Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Independence Day Bahamas!

July 10th marks the Bahamas 36th year of Independence! Tomorrow is the day that will be up held for the holiday. So what's happening you ask? Well in Man-O-War there will be the annual Independence Day races and celebration! People from all over Abaco bring their kids to this much anticipated event. In the morning there are running races, sack races, three legged races, egg and spoon races, disk throwing, and more. In the afternoon the water sports begins also. There are swimming races, diving races, and bobbing for apples. Some of the fun activities for the older folks include, conch breaking contest, wood sawing contest, nailing contest and the oh so much awaited time of the day, the SLIPPERY POLE! That is where a long and huge PVC pipe with wood in the middle is nailed to the dock and extends out over the water. There is a piece of canvas nailed in the center of the wood in the PVC. The guys all take turns sliding on it to the end and trying to pull this off. Of course the first one to get it pulled off is the winner. But wait! It's not just simply one at a time! Just when you think maybe you have it, someone slides out and tries to knock you off of the pole, and into the water you will fall! And the best and most fun part is the pole has been greased in CRISCO! That's right Crisco! Wanna give it a try?

Later on that evening the winners of all of these events will be receive their medals and participants will receive a certificate. And for a beautiful close to the evening a firework display.

If you are in Abaco and are able to attend we would love to have you come out and celebrate with us!

Your Abaco Real Estate Agent
~Mailin Sands